Yup validation schema in Formik

Use Yup form validation schema in Formik

Formik is one of most popular React libraries, for managing forms and validations. It has inbuilt state-management system. The Fomik series of posts will cover all essential topics regarding form management using Formik.


Using Yup , the validation rules for formik become simpler. I recommend using this library instead of creating new rules.

First up all , install and import the library to your project.

yarn add yup

Create Yup Object

Let’s create simple Yup schema for Formik, based on this schema Formik hook can generate errors for each form fields.

	 import * as Yup from 'yup'
	const loginValidationSchema = Yup.object({
		email: Yup.string().email('Invalid email format').required('Required'),
		password: Yup.string().required('Required'),

In the hook we can specify the schema as follows

	 	const formikLogin = useFormik({
		initialValues: {
			email: '',
			password: '',
		onSubmit: async values => {

Author: Manoj

Developer and a self-learner, love to work with Reactjs, Angular, Node, Python and C#.Net

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