Integrate Hygraph with Svelte, React, Vue

Hygraph headless CMS integration samples

Graph CMS or Hygraph CMS is a headless CMS for building backend for web and mobile apps. It is easy to use.

The Graphql which is modern way to fetch selected part of a database, enable developers to easily access the data in Hygraph.

Integrate Hygraph with Svelte

The first step is to enable public API from the Hygraph settings and then we can use libraries like urql, apollo, graphql-request for querying data.

In the Svelte Kit route we can place a load module on the top of the component for fetching data as follows .


<script context="module">
    import {GraphQLClient} from "graphql-request";
    export async function load({params}) {
        const {slug} = params;
        const graphcms = new GraphQLClient(
                headers: {},
        const data = await graphcms.request(
            `query  {
        blogpost(where: {slug: "${slug}"})
            image {
     props: {
         post: data.blogpost,


    export let post;


Similarly we can apply the logic on Angular Service, Vuejs, React, and Solidjs.

I have two projects on Github for you 🎦

Author: Manoj

Developer and a self-learner, love to work with Reactjs, Angular, Node, Python and C#.Net

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