C#.Net Database setup guides

How to setup MariaDB, SQLite and MySQL on C#.Net

I found the following guide useful for setup databases for projects (.Net). This includes the setup guides for MySQL, MariaDB and SQLite connections , can be used with MVC and Repository pattern and Dapper ORM

C#.Net connection string

C#.Net SQL connection string

This is a C#.Net SQL App.config connection string snippet

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <add name="Dolphin_Accounts.Properties.Settings.sql_connection"
            connectionString="Data Source=.\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=dolphine;User ID=sa;Password=" />
        <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2"/>

SQL case

MS SQL case .. when snippet

This MS SQL case when snippet

SELECT invoice ,
when  isnull(sum(tr.cramount),0)>isnull(sum(tr.dramount),0)  then isnull(sum(tr.cramount),0)-isnull(sum(tr.dramount),0) 
else 0
end as cr,
when  isnull(sum(tr.dramount),0)>isnull(sum(tr.cramount),0)  then isnull(sum(tr.dramount),0)-isnull(sum(tr.cramount),0) 
else 0
end  as dr
FROM transactions AS tr INNER JOIN accounts AS ac ON tr.DRID
 = ac.id inner join accounts ac1 on tr.crid=ac1.id  group by  invoice,tr.drid

Convert function in SQL Server

How to convert a column type in SQL Query/ the convert function in SQL

Suppose you have query in which want to compare two column from different table, each with number and string type (MS SQL Server). The task is here is , convert the number column value into a string .

How to convert column data type ?

We can using SQL standard function Convert to cast the type of the column into another SQL type , the basic syntax as follows

select e.name,e.code from emp e depart d where e.code=convert(varchar,d.ecode) order by e.name

In the above example both table have employee code but in different type. The only possible way to match the where clause is have identical type , using the SQL Convert

Following SQL post may help you learn more

How to convert column type in MS Access query

How to convert a column type in Access Query

Suppose you have query in which want to compare two column from different table, each with number and string type. The task is here is , convert the number column value into a string .

How to convert column data type ?

We can using access functions such Clng, Cstr to convert the column into type as follows

select name, cstr(ecode) from emp

These functions are helpful when multiple table are to be join based on some conditions , each with different datatype.

Following SQL post may help you learn more

How to copy schema,data,objects,indexes, constraints from one database into another in MSSQL Server

Copy Table Schema and Data From One Database to Another Database in SQL Server

In SQL Server you can easily copy values as well as schema/structure from one table to another using following commands

select * into db1.dbo.<destination table> from db2.dbo.<source table>

The limitation of this method is that, only copies the table schema , data. and leave the objects, indexes, triggers or constraints behind.

For example in the above command will copy columns to the destination table and leave identity column as regular, your new table will not hold any identity columns .


Solution to this problem is generate the scripts using Script Wizard and then execute the script to generate all objects and indexes

  • Right Click the database in your SQL Server Management Studio then choose Tasks- Generate scripts, choose a database then select objects type and review and wait for script.
  • Once it was generated go head choose and execute then script

All of the table structure,index,triggers,constraints will be created for your new database.

Now you are ready to copy data from one database from another using following insert command

insert into <destination table> (col1,col2 ...) 
select  col1,col2...  from fin_app_data.dbo.groups

Please leave identity column behind.

How to create Autocomplete Text box with SQL Data in C#.Net

As we know , can facilitate Autocomplete feature to Text box, DatagridView  controls in C#.Net.  We can also fetch auto text from data tables too, by using dataview  object.

  • To do this we need to fill the dataset and dataview objects then add the rows to string collection as follows.
GroupTableAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("select name from AccountGroups", con);
 GroupTableDataset = new DataSet();
 GroupTableAdapter.Fill(GroupTableDataset, "AccountGroups");
 GroupTableView = new DataView(GroupTableDataset.Tables[0]);
  • Adding the rows to the string collection
AutoCompleteStringCollection autotext = new AutoCompleteStringCollection();
foreach (DataRowView row in Common.GroupTableView)
  • Attach the collection to the control
txt_gname.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest;
txt_gname.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource;
txt_gname.AutoCompleteCustomSource = autotext;

drop all three section of code in load or initialize event and it will work.


Find rows with Find() in c#

Database programming is easy with Visual Studio.Net projects, it offers a variety of methods to visualize the programming logic. Here in our example, we demonstrate how you can extract specific rows from a TableView, which is the local representation of the SQL Table/Database Table View.

First I need a table view, like

 ProductTableAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from productMaster", con);
 ProductTableAdapter.Fill(ProductTableDataset, "ProductMaster");
 ProductTableView = new DataView(ProductTableDataset.Tables[0]);

Now I am going to find some rows for a specific product in the table view using the Find() method.

taekproduct="Citrizine Tab";

int i = Common.ProductTableView.Find(takeproduct);

First I need to specify the Sort column which is the same column with the value I want to search. Second the product itself.

The Find() returns the row number instead of the row itself which can be used to access the row you want. If it’s 1 you can make sure you succeeded to find the row with takeproduct value otherwise the value will be -1.

Then I extract the tax rate from the table.

 if (i != -1)
 { takecgst = takesgst = takeigst = 0;
 double.TryParse( Common.ProductTableView[i]["cgst"].ToString(),out cgstrate);
 double.TryParse(Common.ProductTableView[i]["sgst"].ToString(), out sgstrate);
 double.TryParse(Common.ProductTableView[i]["igst"].ToString(), out igstrate);}


that’s all I got today.



How to make database read/write in SQL

When we have the problem with READ ONLY SQL DATABASE(It can happen while we trying to attach different version database file),  first up all we need to make the security of ldf and mdf file to everyone-Full Control.( if not working,  do the same for folder and drive in which the database file resides. )
And then simply execute the script

USE [master]


Alter database [readonlydb] set READ_WRITE WITH NO_WAIT


Or use the query without the NO_WAIT option.

USE [master]


Alter database [readonlydb] set READ_WRITE