How to Containerize Golang app with Docker

How to containerize Golang app using Docker

To containerize a Golang app is similar to any other project. We need to use the base image for golandg and build the app.

Install Docker desktop , if you are on windows and create an account first. Then in the project create Dockerfile ( no extension required) with following command.

Save the file in root of the project

FROM  golang:1.18beta2-bullseye
RUN mkdir /app
ADD . /app
RUN go build -o main .
CMD ["/app/main"]

Building the Docker Image

Go to the terminal and CD into the project folder and build the image. Docker image can be used to run different process.

docker build -t my-go-app . 

try to list image using docker images command.

Using the image

To use the image we created withrun command.

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name test1 my-go-app

The above command will run the image in detached mode, leaving console reedy for another execution.

It also exposed to port internal 8080:8080. Go to the browser and try localhost:8080 and it should have working.

Stopping, Starting and removing containers

Using docker stop <container-name/id>. Once it stopped can delete using docker rm container-name/id command.

Need to start again ? use the docker start command.

Wanna know running processes/ containers ? Try docker ps.