Create Docker Container for MSSQL on Mac

As the first step we need to install Docker Mac and make sure you have Rosetta get installed, in case of using Mac with M1 or M2. These Models come with Apple Silicon. Some of the older apps come with Intel chip support, Rosetta will help you the migrate to Apple Silicon.

Docker Compose

Using the Docker-Compose we can containerise MSSQL. Here is the working Docker-Compose file.

Create a Folder called MSSQL and add Docker-Compose.yml file with following contents

version: '3.9'

    platform: linux/arm64
      - 1433:1433
      - ~/apps/mssql/data:/var/lib/mssqlql/data
      - SA_PASSWORD=mssql1Ipw

Since I’am using the Mac Min M2, which is an arm device, should specify in the platform key. Port key expose the internal port to external. Volume indicate the storage location which is optional.

In the environment key we can pass the Password for SQL Server etc.

Now . Run the Docker-compose up -d. for running the Container. If there is any problem , run this command for the log docker-compose logs

You are ready to use the sever. You can also use the Mac IP and exposed port in SQL Management studio or in a connection string as (source)

 Mac IP, 1433

Author: Manoj

Developer and a self-learner, love to work with Reactjs, Angular, Node, Python and C#.Net

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