Intel M1 chip vs Apple M1 silicon chip

Comparison of Apple M1 and Intel M1

The Intel M1 vs Apple M1 Silicon debate has garnered significant attention in the tech world. Both processors have their unique strengths and have been designed to optimize performance in different ways.

Intel’s M1 chip, part of their 11th generation lineup, brings several improvements over its predecessors. It offers increased power efficiency, faster processing speeds, and improved graphics performance. The M1 chip also integrates advanced artificial intelligence capabilities, allowing for enhanced machine learning processes and improved overall system responsiveness.

On the other hand, Apple’s M1 Silicon chip has caused quite a stir with its impressive performance and power efficiency. Built specifically for Apple’s Mac devices, the M1 Silicon chip delivers lightning-fast speeds and efficient power consumption, resulting in longer battery life. Additionally, the M1 chip boasts an 8-core GPU, enabling exceptional graphics performance for tasks such as video editing and gaming.

Understanding the differences between these two processors is crucial for consumers making purchasing decisions. Both Intel and Apple have their own dedicated user bases, each with varying needs and preferences. Some users might prioritize compatibility with a wide range of software and peripherals, favoring the Intel M1 chip. Others might value the seamless integration between hardware and software offered by Apple’s M1 Silicon chip, especially for Mac-exclusive applications.

Ultimately, the choice between Intel’s M1 and Apple’s M1 Silicon depends on individual requirements and personal preferences. It’s essential to consider factors such as system compatibility, performance benchmarks, and the specific tasks you wish to accomplish on your device. By carefully evaluating these aspects, you can make an informed decision that best suits your needs.

How to use MSSQL Server on ARM based Mac.

How to use MSSQL Server on ARM based Mac M1,M2

Microsoft SQL Server can be run on Linux, Windows but they may not work with Apple Mac/Mac mini. We can’t change a just DBMS for new OS, different platform .

The fact that Mac/Mac mini with M2 chip is ideal for Multi platform development. It is better alternative for Windows Machine, since you are looking for a desktop.

We have two options to consider for getting things work, a Virtual machine dedicated to MSSQL or just containerise the SQL server which is a better choice.

VM don’t like Mac, I tried Virtual Box and Parallel. VB didn’t start up correctly. In case Parallel it didn’t get installed.

So we move to the Docker option. Most of the docker images (ARM based MSSQL) designed for Intel Mac ? For Mac with M1 and M2 (Apple Silicon).

Wee needs to user Rosetta for the transition from Intel to New M1/M2. It work behind the seen.

For complete Guide on Containerising MSSQL Server visit this Post.

Create Docker Container for MSSQL on Mac

As the first step we need to install Docker Mac and make sure you have Rosetta get installed, in case of using Mac with M1 or M2. These Models come with Apple Silicon. Some of the older apps come with Intel chip support, Rosetta will help you the migrate to Apple Silicon.

Docker Compose

Using the Docker-Compose we can containerise MSSQL. Here is the working Docker-Compose file.

Create a Folder called MSSQL and add Docker-Compose.yml file with following contents

version: '3.9'

    platform: linux/arm64
      - 1433:1433
      - ~/apps/mssql/data:/var/lib/mssqlql/data
      - SA_PASSWORD=mssql1Ipw

Since I’am using the Mac Min M2, which is an arm device, should specify in the platform key. Port key expose the internal port to external. Volume indicate the storage location which is optional.

In the environment key we can pass the Password for SQL Server etc.

Now . Run the Docker-compose up -d. for running the Container. If there is any problem , run this command for the log docker-compose logs

You are ready to use the sever. You can also use the Mac IP and exposed port in SQL Management studio or in a connection string as (source)

 Mac IP, 1433

Access Docker MSSQL Container from Parallel (Mac Mini M2)

How to access Docker Contained DB from Parallel.

Docker not working with Windows 11 in Parallels. Is there any way to use MSSQL with Parallel ? Yes.

Using the Mac Network IP and container exposed port number, we can access the server (Docker) within MSQL Management Studio or in a connection strings, separated by a single comma

Where Did I get the IP ?

In System Settings – Network- Find the IP.

connectionString="Data Source=,1433;Password=mssql1Ipw;User Id=sa;Initial Catalog=dolphinedb;Integrated Security=False" />

The above code is sample sql connection string. Thanks for Docker.

How to quickly open code editor from console on Windows / Linux and Mac

How to open code editor form Console on Linux/Mac/WIndows

Windows developers who were using IDE like Visual Studio you may need not depend on console and those tricky commands either. As you notice all modern languages and packages come with handy command line tools.

In fact you can directly open your favorite editor like VS code or atom using the command,s it is possible because of the environment variable which is set while installing your app.

In Linux everything can be run from both world. For example , we can open markdown file in Linux with Typora using following


Back to Flutter we can run he following Flutter command ( on Windows/Linux and Mac)

flutter create myapp
cd myapp
code .

Which will automatically open the code editor { VS Code } and open the current directory.