Free static app in DigitalOcean

How to deploy a free static app on digital ocean

DigitalOcean provided use three free App hosting (static) and for the rest we have to pay. This feature available in trial and pro account.

How do I deployed static app

Prepare the the app and push it to the Github repository. In DO control panel use the App feature and create new app.

You can use either Github/GitLab/Docker Hub where the repository for the app resides.

Select the repo and got o the next page

Need a sample project. ? I have Vue-Prismic blog in my repo, you can fork it.

The Intelligent App feature automatically detect underlying app technologies the project.

Please select static type.

It will take while to complete the building process.

Don’t have a DO Account yet ?, Use this $100 and get started ?

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Deploy golang API in Digital Ocean using docker container

How deploy golang API with docker container

Before going forward, make sure golang program work locally and ready to deploy.

  • Prepare your project with Docker configuration (Dockerfile).
  • Also need to push the project to Github and update the module structure.
  • Golang modules should structured like /username/ repo-name/module and re-initialize with
go mod init /username/repo-name


Create Docker Droplet in the DigitalOcean Cloud. In the console (cloud) clone the Github repository and build docker image.

Let’s run the container, which is similar to what do you have done in development machine.

Please see golang docker guide for more instructions

Go to your browser and try accessing API , eg: and it should work.

Don’t have a DO Account yet ?, Use this $100 and get started ?

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Create a docker droplet in DigitalOcean

How to setup docker container on digital ocean cloud

Droplets allow us to create virtual machines for computing, containerizing deployment, hosting WordPress etc.

To use docker in our droplet, have to use the Marketplace tab and choose wisely.

Please choose Docker on Ubuntu for containerized deployment.

The cost for DigitalOcean Droplets starts with $5 monthly.

Droplet control panel shows your droplets, you can manage the VM here.

Note that turn off droplet will not stop the billing, destroy the droplet instead.

Don’t have a DO Account yet ?, Use this $100 and get started ?

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Accessing DigitalOcean droplets in Windows/Linux remotely

How to access DigitalOcean cloud droplets remotely

You can access the Digital Ocean droplet terminal from access panel or can use the ssh to access it remotely.

In Windows I strongly recommend to use Linux Subsystem. I use openSuse and it is cool.

In your terminal fire the command

ssh username@ip 

Here username can be root and IP is the IP of your droplet. Go to the control panel and copy the IP.

Don’t have a DO Account yet ?, Use this $100 and get started ?

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What is a Droplets in DigitalOcean

How to Virtual machines on digital ocean

Droplets allow us to create virtual machines for computing, containerizing deployment, hosting WordPress etc.

The cost for DigitalOcean Droplets starts with $5 monthly.

Digital Ocean Cloud : Droplets

Droplet control panel shows your droplets, you can manage the VM here.

Note that turn off droplet will not stop the billing, destroy the droplet instead.

Don’t have a DO Account yet ?, Use this $100 and get started ?

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DigitalOcean the best free cloud for developers

#1 Free cloud computing choice for developers of any kind

I tried to get a free cloud account with Google ,Amazon and IBM all fails, then I look into other possibilities. Finally end up with DigitalOcean and it works instantly, no problem with initial setup.

Digital Ocean provide a free account for 60 days with $100 credit. All works beautifully, I run few containers with Docker and it works. [A debit card/credit card is required for verification]


  • Free 3 Static app
  • Droplet
  • Databases
  • Storage
  • Docker
  • much more

After the 60 days

What will happens after the trial ?. I have to pay minimal of $5 for droplet/VM for a month, which I thing is not bad.

Try it