Access Docker MSSQL Container from Parallel (Mac Mini M2)

How to access Docker Contained DB from Parallel.

Docker not working with Windows 11 in Parallels. Is there any way to use MSSQL with Parallel ? Yes.

Using the Mac Network IP and container exposed port number, we can access the server (Docker) within MSQL Management Studio or in a connection strings, separated by a single comma

Where Did I get the IP ?

In System Settings – Network- Find the IP.

connectionString="Data Source=,1433;Password=mssql1Ipw;User Id=sa;Initial Catalog=dolphinedb;Integrated Security=False" />

The above code is sample sql connection string. Thanks for Docker.

Mac Mini M2 for Windows Developers

Moving from Windows to Mac

I got Mac Mini M2 last Saturday, wow. I love the Machine it saved my Desk. It is the base Model , with 8GB ,250 GB SSD.

I would like to share some of my experiences With M2. It is incredibly fast.

Running Windows 11 with Parallel VM

I’am using Parallels 8.0.1 , successfully configured windows 11 and installed Microsoft Visual Studio and it work without any trouble. Parallels allow me switch between Windows Apps and Mac Apps with ease and peace.

I did find some kinda of hanging and black out while the Mac went to sleep and wake from sleep.

Following Not working for me – Parallels

MSSQL Server


Above mentioned Apps can’t run on VM. So I decided to run it from Docker container which is on the Mac.

Apple Silicon and Docker

Some of the Docker Images not working with M2, it could be designed for Intel chip. So we need Rosetta for using such Docker images.

Installing Rosetta

Rosetta is referred as translater for Intel Mac Apps. You need not worry about any thing at all. Just install and move on.

 softwareupdate --install-rosetta

For more guides on Rosetta please visit MacHow

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