Swift Component Preview

How to preview SwiftUI component

What is SwiftUI ?

SwiftUI is a modern framework by Apple for creating user interfaces on iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. It uses a declarative syntax and provides powerful features for building interactive and responsive interfaces. With SwiftUI, developers can create stunning user interfaces using minimal code and take advantage of automatic UI updates when data changes. It seamlessly integrates with other Apple frameworks, making it a popular choice for app development.

SwiftUI Preview

SwiftUI provides a powerful way to create user interfaces for your iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps. With SwiftUI, you can build modern, responsive, and dynamic interfaces using a declarative syntax, making it easier than ever to bring your app ideas to life.

One of the standout features of SwiftUI is its built-in preview functionality. Preview allows you to see how your interface will look and behave in real-time, without the need to build and run your entire app. This saves you time and provides instant feedback as you design and develop your user interface.

To use SwiftUI Preview, simply open your SwiftUI code file and look for the preview canvas on the right-hand side of Xcode. The canvas dynamically updates as you make changes to your code, allowing you to see the effects of your modifications instantly.

The preview canvas not only displays how your interface looks, but it also supports interaction. You can interact with your interface directly on the canvas, allowing you to test user interactions and observe how your UI responds to various user inputs.

With SwiftUI Preview, you can also explore different device types and orientations to see how your app adapts to different screen sizes. This helps ensure that your app looks great and functions properly across a wide range of devices.

Additionally, SwiftUI Preview allows you to test your app’s dark mode and localization settings, giving you the ability to view your interface in different contexts without having to run the app on a physical device or simulator.

In conclusion, SwiftUI Preview is an invaluable tool for any SwiftUI developer. It enables you to quickly iterate on your user interfaces, visualize changes in real-time, and ensure a seamless user experience across different devices and configurations. So start harnessing the power of SwiftUI Preview today and take your app development to the next level! .

How to preview components in SwiftUI.

When working with SwiftUI, you can preview your components directly in Xcode’s canvas without the need to run the entire app. This feature is incredibly helpful for visualizing and testing your UI designs in real-time.

To preview a component in SwiftUI, you need to create a new struct that conforms to the PreviewProvider protocol. This struct will contain a static var previews property, which returns an array of PreviewProvider instances.

Inside previews, you can call the PreviewProvider initializer, passing in an instance of your component and any necessary modifiers. This will generate a live preview of your component in the canvas.

Here’s a simple example to illustrate the process:

import SwiftUI

struct MyComponent: View {
    var body: some View {
        Text("Hello, SwiftUI!")

struct MyComponent_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

In this example, we have a MyComponent struct that displays a text with a blue color and a title font. The MyComponent_Previews struct serves as the preview provider for MyComponent.

With these components set up, you can now see the live preview in the canvas. Simply open the assistant editor in Xcode, select the preview provider struct from the rightmost dropdown menu in the canvas toolbar, and enjoy the live rendering of your SwiftUI component.

Keep in mind that you can customize the preview by adding multiple instances of the component and modifying their properties to simulate different scenarios. This allows you to test how your component responds to various data inputs and dynamic changes.

I hope this explanation helps you better understand how to preview components in SwiftUI. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

Access Docker MSSQL Container from Parallel (Mac Mini M2)

How to access Docker Contained DB from Parallel.

Docker not working with Windows 11 in Parallels. Is there any way to use MSSQL with Parallel ? Yes.

Using the Mac Network IP and container exposed port number, we can access the server (Docker) within MSQL Management Studio or in a connection strings, separated by a single comma

Where Did I get the IP ?

In System Settings – Network- Find the IP.

connectionString="Data Source=,1433;Password=mssql1Ipw;User Id=sa;Initial Catalog=dolphinedb;Integrated Security=False" />

The above code is sample sql connection string. Thanks for Docker.

Mac Mini M2 for Windows Developers

Moving from Windows to Mac

I got Mac Mini M2 last Saturday, wow. I love the Machine it saved my Desk. It is the base Model , with 8GB ,250 GB SSD.

I would like to share some of my experiences With M2. It is incredibly fast.

Running Windows 11 with Parallel VM

I’am using Parallels 8.0.1 , successfully configured windows 11 and installed Microsoft Visual Studio and it work without any trouble. Parallels allow me switch between Windows Apps and Mac Apps with ease and peace.

I did find some kinda of hanging and black out while the Mac went to sleep and wake from sleep.

Following Not working for me – Parallels

MSSQL Server


Above mentioned Apps can’t run on VM. So I decided to run it from Docker container which is on the Mac.

Apple Silicon and Docker

Some of the Docker Images not working with M2, it could be designed for Intel chip. So we need Rosetta for using such Docker images.

Installing Rosetta

Rosetta is referred as translater for Intel Mac Apps. You need not worry about any thing at all. Just install and move on.

 softwareupdate --install-rosetta

For more guides on Rosetta please visit MacHow

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